Full-Time Emergency Room
Medical Records
History of Health Insurance
My Overhead Killed Me.
Average Income
Reasons I Lost Business
Future of Doctor's Offices

The average income for a Family Doctor in Texas was $120,000 per year over 10 years ago.  It is now closer to $90,000. The specialists have taken an income hit too, of about the same percentage.  Many have gone from $400,000 per year to $300,000 per year.  They have more cushion for loss than us Family Doctors, Pediatricians, and Internists.

Currently, a pharmacist makes over $100,000 per year with paid health insurance, life insurance, paid vacation and retirement benefits.  The drug reps that visit my office may make $70,000 per year with the same benefits, stock options and a free car!  The doctors income is before all of these benefits.  I have to come up with my own vacation money and retirement savings from my take home income. 

My income was $34,000 my first year in practice due to seeing to many Medicaid patients and be paid only a pittance.  I was moonlighting in the emergency room often which income is what moved me from the red to black.  By my 3rd year in practice, I was working 90-100 hours per week and making $55,000 per year.  Wouldn't you just love to have this job?

